May I share some terms on Fohat from the teachings.
In striving toward perfection may we ignite the consciousness with its very essence, Fohat. JPC.
You know how difficult it is to see Fohat, how the
cumulative efforts of many years are required for one to be able to see this energy. But what will a weak spirit say when
he learns that beyond Fohat is Para-Fohat, which in turn is nourished by Pan-Fohat! These energies can fill only the strongest
consciousness with rejoicing and with love. AY. MM.
You know that psychic energy is called PRIMARY energy,
therefore it includes all other energies, which are only its differentiations. Thus, Parafohat is the fundamental, or primary
psychic energy in its highest cosmic aspect, and Fohat is its next aspect in the manifested Universe, the same psychic energy
manifested as life force is diffused everywhere as PRANA. The time has come to bring into oneness the meaning of Primary Energy.
"...Agni, who is the source of all that gives light
and heat. So that there are different species of Agni (fire); but "whatever other fires there may be, they are but the ramifications
of Agni, the immortal" (Rig Veda, L, 59 I). TCF.
Hence, a small spirit cannot merge with the Fiery Principle.
Fiery power reveals the entire Furnace manifested to him who senses the pulse of the Fiery World. This life-giving Principle
builds life upon Fohat. Thus, let us remember that only a small consciousness denies, but the fiery spirit is all-comprehending.
On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great Principle." LHRI.
Agni is Fohat, the threefold Energy (emanating from
the logoic Ego) which produces the solar system, the physical vehicle of the Logos, and animates the atoms of substance. He
is the basis of the evolutionary process, or the cause of the psychic unfoldment of the Logos, and He is that vitality which
ultimately brings about a divine synthesis in which the form approximates subjective demand, and after being consciously directed,
and manipulated, is finally discarded. TCF. DK.
In order to increase respect for consciousness one
may call energy Atma, or psyche, or life, or consider it sacred, but it is necessary to study its significance. By this channel
we approach Fohat, or atomic energy. It is essential to observe the microcosm and transfer the formula to the Infinite. Hier.
When the differentiation of the elements occurred,
the cosmic force did not disunite itself. The manifestation of heterogeneous cosmic fires is but one rotation on the wheel
of Fohat. Fohat is in everything, and various manifestations carry its expression. Urusvati knows the myriads of sparks of
Fohat when the sparks of Materia Matrix fill the space. Each spark is the essence of Be-ness. Each particle is the essence
of various forms. Each atom breathes through Fohat. Fohat and its sparks are one; likewise one is the Universe in all its
forms. Differentiation comes from rotation, but there is no arbitrariness. The power of rotation and attraction enriches the
Cosmos with the manifestations of the action of fires. The spatial waves produce an effect which calls forth conscious creativeness.
The creativeness of Cosmos and the impulse of consciousness are the propellers of energy; hence, nothing can be dissociated
in Eternity. Space is perfecting construction, and great is the surplus tension of the speeding forces! Inf1. MM.
Sparks of Fohat indicate the degree of tension; there
is obviously an unprecedented tension throughout the World. You do not know and cannot imagine the extent of the rencounters.
FW2. MM.
The Subjective Element (God) is spoken of in the Agni
Purana. "It exists potentially in the depths of Cosmic Nature, even as fire is hidden in a piece of dry wood, and as oil exists
in the heart of the kunjut tree. This subjective element rests in Nature, hidden as a psychic witness or spiritual element,
entirely neutral and not acting. The fusion of this subjective element with Cosmic Nature is effected by a force known as
Fohat (cosmic electricity). This energy holds all the embryos and fundamental qualities of all beings and of Matter, which
must consequently issue from this union of Cosmic Nature with her consort Puman (Spirit, Subjective Element, God)." LHRI.
As man discovers the laws of his own material sheaths
- the laws of substance - he is ascertaining the nature of the fires of the outer man or Fohat, as he vitalizes the logoic
vehicle; the fires of his own sheaths are aspects of Agni as the fire of matter. As he ascertains the nature of consciousness,
and the laws of psychical unfoldment he is studying the nature of the vitality of the subjective man, and the laws of conscious
being, thus studying Agni as He manifests as Light and Cool Radiance, shining through the vehicle. Later (for the time is
not yet) as he comes to comprehend the nature of his Monad, the spiritual or essential life which is developing consciousness
by means of the sheaths, he will discover the nature of Agni as He shews forth as pure electricity. Even though this is not
yet possible, nevertheless the statement as to the lines of investigation which can be pursued, and the realization of that
which may eventually [612] be achieved, may cause men's minds to turn to the study of the real and of the true. TCF. DK
Conscious Electricity: Fohat ... 85. SD. HPB.
As electric fire the Logos manifests as the seven aspects
of Will, spiritual
impulse or purpose.
As solar fire He manifests as the seven Rays, or as
the Light of Wisdom, the
Consciousness, radiating through the form.
As fire by friction He manifests as the seven Sons
of Fohat, the seven great
fires, or the active heat of intelligent substance. TCF. DK.
Fohat, or cosmic electricity, is the foundation of
all the electrophorous manifestations, and among them thought will be the highest quality of this energy. LHR2.
They are esoterically the "Sons of Light." Sevenfold
fire by friction. The seven brothers of Fohat. The seven manifestations of electricity, or of electrical phenomena. These
are the seven Raja-Lords or Devas of the seven planes; they are the seven Fires, or those seven states of activity through
which consciousness is expressing itself. They are the vehicles of consciousness and the seven vibrations. They are esoterically
the "Brothers of energy." Therefore it will be apparent that the sumtotal of logoic manifestation as it can be seen in existence
in time and space is: Seven Spirits - sevenfold will. Seven Rays - sevenfold quality or psyche. Seven Deva Lords - sevenfold
form. TCF. DK.
At the third initiation "the secret of fohat" is given.
Fohat is the essence of cosmic electricity-the DRIVING
power of the universe; the universal propelling Vital Force, at once the propeller and the resultant. TT. Hilarion.
... 106
The Fiery Whirlwind and the Primordial Seven ... 106
They Produce Fohat ... 108. SD. HPB.
Fohat, or the "Seven Sons." SD. HPB.
Cosmic Energy (Fohat) SD. HPB.
By the action of Fohat certain degrees and situations
are set up in the substance of Akasha. The decreasing degrees of vibration in akashic substance result in the formation of
the substance of the etheric planes, as a still lower decrease of vibration of the etheric states of substance results in
the formation of the astral and physical states of substance-matter. TT. Hilarion.
Fohat -- the energising and guiding intelligence in
the Universal Electric or Vital Fluid. SD. HPB.
It is the action of Fohat upon a compound or even a
simple body that produces life. SD. HPB.
If the principle or energy of Cohesion were missing
from the seven-fold universal creative agencies or energies there could be no organized forms of any character whatever. It
is the combining and unifying force between every two or more electrons, atoms, molecules and tells of all primordial substance.
From the philosophical viewpoint, Cohesion is one of the seven Sons of Fohat . Divine Will . which manifest as Electricity,
Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat, Attraction and Cohesion. TT. Hilarion.
Akasha, in manifestation, expresses itself as Fohat,
or divine Energy, and Fohat on the different planes is known as aether, air, fire, water, electricity, ether, prana and similar
terms. TCF. DK.
Fohat is divine thought or energy (Shakti) as manifested
on any plane of the cosmos. It is the interplay between Spirit and matter. The seven differentiations of Fohat are:
The Plane of divine life - Adi - Sea of fire.
Plane of monadic life - Anupadaka - Akasha.
The Plane of spirit - Atma - Aether.
The Plane of the intuition - Buddhi
- Air.
The Plane of mind - Mental - Fire.
The Plane of desire - Astral - Astral Light.
The Plane of density - Physical
- Ether.
(S. D., I, 105, 134, 135, 136) TCF.
Fohat, or electricity, is an Entity.
He is the primordial
electric Entity S. D., 1, 105.
He is Will S. D., 1, 136.
He is Love-Wisdom S. D, 1, 100, 144, 155.
He is Active Intelligence
S. D., 1, 136.
Therefore He is God S. D., 1, 167.
He is the sumtotal of the energy of the seven Spirits, Who are the
of the
Logos. S. D., 1, 169. TCF.
Through four permanent atoms - physical, astral, mental
and buddhic. Eight groups of solar Entities Who form the subjective life of the seven centers in the body of Brahma, viewing
Him as a separate cosmic Entity, [534] dissociated from His two brothers. They are the seven Sons of Fohat, with the eighth
Son included, and They are the final differentiation of the forty-nine fires, prior to Their union with the fire of Eros.
Thus is it expressed by H.P.B. TCF.
Hence Cupid or Love in his primitive sense is Eros,
the Divine Will, or Desire of manifesting itself through visible creation. Thence Fohat, the prototype of Eros, becomes on
Earth the great power "Life-electricity," or the Spirit of "Life-giving." SD. HPB.
And now with regard to divine Love, what else can it
be but the Great Principle, or the beginning of attraction, or affinity, or that very Fohat in its differentiation as Divine
Love (Eros), the electric power of affinity and sympathy, allegorically manifested in the attempt to combine the pure spirit,
which is a ray inseparable from the One or Absolute, with the soul. LHRII.
Fohat is the "Son of Ether" in its highest aspect,
Akasa, the Mother-Father of the primitive Seven, and of Sound or LOGOS. Fohat is the light of the latter. SD. HPB.
In these volumes it is almost revealed that the "Sons
of Fohat" are the personified Forces known in a general way as Motion, Sound, Heat, Light, Cohesion, Electricity or Electric
Fluid, and Nerve-Force or Magnetism. This truth, however, cannot teach the student to attune and moderate the Kundalini of
the cosmic plane with the vital Kundalini, (Page 508) the Electric Fluid with the Nerve-Force, and unless he does so, he is
sure to kill himself; for the one travels at the rate of about 90 feet, and the other at the rate of 115,000 leagues a second.
Cosmic electricity and Fohat are practically identical,
and, although it may seem like blasphemy to many, Fohat and the Holy Spirit in operation are identical. The Sons of Fohat
are Sound, Light, Flame, Magnetism (heat), Attraction, Repulsion and Cohesion. TT. Hilarion.
Psychic energy is fohat, it is the Holy Ghost, it is
love and striving. Psychic energy is the synthesis of all radiations of the nerves. Psychic energy is the great AUM. The development
within oneself of a constant uninterrupted striving toward Light in all its manifestations will indeed result in the growth
and development of this energy. Striving toward the perfectment of quality is at all times and in everything the shortest
path for the development and refinement of psychic energy. LHR2.
The correspondence in the Microcosm to Fohat is found
in the pranic currents that, through the etheric body, keep the dense physical vitalized and magnetized. The resources of
the pranic fluid are illimitable and little understood, and in their [185] proper comprehension lies the secret of perfect
health. LOM. DK.
Fohat is the subtlest fiery energy, and if it contacts
an unprepared organism it may burn and cause torturous fiery death. I myself saw Fohat with my physical eyes, and was full
of wonder at the splitting of the sun rays into millions of luminous sparks of Fohat. Afterwards I suffered a slight singeing
of the centers. LHRI.
Fohat is everywhere: it runs like a thread through
all, and has its own seven divisions. SD. HPB.
Sparks of Fohat indicate the degree of tension; there
is obviously an unprecedented tension throughout the World. You do not know and cannot imagine the extent of the rencounters.
FW3. MM.
With the discovery of the phase of Fohat energy termed
Radio-Activity much discussion has been aroused relative to the nature and possibilities of the same. This substance has apparently
upset all preconceived ideas of the action of the laws of Energy, and the atomic constitution of matter, in the minds of some
of its investigators. Difficulties of such character will vanish when the ultimate of investigation along that line bas been
reached, and demonstrates unmistakably, as it must, that in its last analysis all matter is a unit: that there is but one
substance, one law, one reality: add that every constituent atom of the same contains potentially all that every other atom
contains and requires but a change of vibration, necessitating a change of environment under the action of some other phase
of the same law which previously governed it in order to manifest the characteristics and potentialities of any other atom.
The atoms which constitute the molecules of radium
have been unclothed, as it were, to a greater degree, than has any other form of material life; therefore the fiery lives,
[TT2@306] the atomic centers, are operating what might be termed an undress uniform in all radio activity. In other words,
the substance from which radium is extracted has been temporarily raised by means of the inherent power of resistance which
has been called into active life in that substance by the exercise of the force which has broken it up and extracted the radium
from its hiding place, thus releasing the confined energy. Sulphur furnishes a vehicle for the operations of radium. If you
strike a sulphur match against any hard substance it will break into flame and the flame is a vehicle of radio activity.
The energy used by the hand in striking the match arouses
the dormant power of Resistance in whatever hard substance the match is struck upon. This energy, (resistance) and the dormant
radio element in the sulphur unite in the flame. The flame thereby is the revealer of a certain definite amount of the vital
principle of radium, and that vital principle is the same force that Keeley tried so hard to demonstrate through his motor,
Divine Will-Fohat. Radium will ultimately be extracted from many other minerals than pitch blend, but woe unto the men who
use that spiritual power for selfish purposes. TT. Hilarion.
Fifth Principle The principle of mind, that faculty
in man which is the intelligent thinking principle, and which differentiates man from the animals. Fohat Cosmic electricity;
primordial light; the ever-present electrical energy; the universal propelling vital force; the ceaseless destructive and
formative power; the synthesis of the many forms of electrical phenomena. IHS. DK.
They are the just three Sons of Fohat (Motion). Fohat
is the driving power of the Universe. The Fifth Breath is the fifth of the five breaths (Vibrations) which brought life force
into manifestation. The Fifth Breath has its correspondences in the fifth Cosmic age, the fifth cycle of each age, the principle
of life, the fifth stage of man's evolution, the fifth Sense of man, and the fifth of any being or object. We are now in the
fifth race of a great age. The fifth principle is Manas (Mentality) and a warning to beware of the action of the Fifth Breath
would mean a warning to beware of the undue action of the higher mind for the forces of that phase of life are of the nature
of fire . TT. Hilarion
Why is it important to experience the manifestation
of Fohat? The granulation of this finest energy is at the basis of cosmic condensations. This means that it is precisely Fohat
that is the father providing the impetus for the formation of new spatial bodies. He who attains knowledge of the far-off
worlds will feel the strength and beauty of the crystals of Fohat. AY. MM.
The Central Sun causes Fohat to collect primordial
dust in the form of balls, to impel them to move in converging lines and finally to approach each other and aggregate." (Book
of Dzyan) . . . . . "Being scattered in Space, without order or system, the world-germs come into frequent collision until
their final aggregation, after which they become wanderers (Comets). Then the battles and struggles begin. The older (bodies)
attract the younger, while others repel them. Many perish, devoured by their stronger companions. Those that escape become
worlds. SD. HPB.
Fohat penetrates all the manifestations with which
life is saturated. Precisely into the spiritual manifestations are sparks of Fohat drawn, for the Cosmic Fire saturates all
identical affirmations. Therefore contiguity with the current of the Cosmic Magnet attracts sparks of Fohat. These fiery assistants
affirm each protective action. Just as the protective network acts around the body, so also acts the Fohatic net. The bond
between the protective network and the Fohatic consists of the same fiery spirals which emanate from the depths of the centers.
Indeed, the Fohatic network is that magnetic body which the spirit, through powerful striving and tension, weaves around all
manifestations which it wishes to guard. Thus is the space being cemented with each tense action which goes along with the
Cosmic Magnet. FW3. MM.
Therefore, the flaming heart can affirm each manifestation.
For the revealed magnet of the heart attracts sparks of Fohat. Hence the heart, which creates in the name of Cosmic Right,
has that powerful force, and gathers together sparks of Fohat and arrays with them those manifestations which are intensified
for creativeness. This magnet of the fused heart creates on all planes. Therefore Our Heart creates so fierily. It is the
heart which can contain each affirmed degree of Fire. Such a heart can be affirmed only by Cosmic Right. The Heart which realizes
Cosmic Right has all the Fires. FW3. MM.
The zealots of the church and the servants of darkness
will not prevail against the sparks of Fohat. Certainly, the affirmation of Agni Yoga smites the encumbrances under which
people nest. Therefore, Agni Yoga challenges all servants of darkness. Thus true evolution is created. Verily, it is difficult
for the quivering Mother of Agni Yoga. Verily, it is difficult for the warrior, the Agni Yogi, but the ascent affords an increase
of all forces. Thus, those who turn the rudder of the Cosmic Magnet affirm the point of attraction. Those who walk united
in heart assuredly conquer. Inf1. MM.
Nevertheless, the most ancient Fohat or the Egyptian Tum are destined to be acknowledged in the coming epoch. Thus,
psychic, or primary, energy will at last attain citizenship, regardless of what name or appearance it was manifested under
before. Such recognition will mark the entrance of humanity into the new era of greatest discoveries, which will bring about
the so much needed reappraisal of values. Therefore, owing to the beginning of the New Epoch, which brings an unusual influx
of psychic energy, it is necessary to awaken and to educate within ourselves the right attitude toward this two-edged power.
Jeremy Condick.